Friday, June 6, 2008


I remembered I copy and paste my old blog's post~

Feb 8th
 awww.. are you a dog lover too? went to aunt pam's place, she has 4 adorable dogs, aww~~ 2 shi tzu, 2 mix breed, so small, toy dogs, but the like to bully kids, imagine that, haha, late night, watched evan almighty, it's like finally, check list, check, next movie, alvin and the chipmunks, haha.. the movie was ok, didn't expect the flood, not too bad, kinda taught me something, like there is a reason why God place me in this kind of thing~~

Happy CNY to all~!!
It's a new year for the chinese calender, school's off, surely everyone is doing fine, some just hope for Ang Paos ( that includes me), some just loves  the season ( not me) ~~, I'm in grand's place with all the cousins (I've got only 2 from my dad's side, 3 on my mom's side(all in japan, how nice~)), with the aunts and uncles, it's really noisy, hope no one gets hurt or feeling left out either~~, happy (safe) chinese new year to all~!

Feb 5th
 can''t really remember what was the feeling on that day, it sort of like really horrible, thinking like, I  don't know what to do, I want to let it go~!!! haih.. sad, many ppl kinda mistaken me in many  ways, don't know how to explain.. it's just oh well, another day~

Feb 4th
We got new probates in today, sadly, some teacher didn't bring the tag, so they  will be starting their duties tomorrow, or else after CNY holidays, assembly couldn't  go worst, the mic had some  technical problem, can't hear a thing I said from the mic, well, as you know, kl has the "better" mic, and where is he? at his hometown looking for internet, what do you call that?? I don't know~ anyway,  Kah Mun (KM) has some love life life going on~! wakakaka, valentines around the corner, I'm not involved (nor yet), the LPU8 are selling gifts, cute but I I've got have that much to buy, even if it considered cheap, I mean reasonable, the probates just got e worried, have to do some "speech" at school later  on today (2/5) on some prefect system thingy~~ haih~~ I've got ballet later on, hope it goes well~~ sadly I can't enter for the competition, I had the chance but mom said NO, N-O, why on earth did she say NO, don't really understand them, I mean it'll help me to better in class, Anyway, I've got other thing to hang on to, piano, well, I"m not a music freak or whatever but I enjoy playing, it's the music that comes out from the piano I get the headache, the teacher said I need to be more accurate, be more accurate, I'm not even accurate with myself, I'm more on "around there", I was thinking to tryout something new instead, at least I know the basic of piano, say, guitar?

1st blog
haha~~ finally~~ my blog~~ sounds really pathetic~~ had church, wasn't too bad, expecting something to happen tomorrow~~ wakakaka

that's what I wrote,
searching for more history~

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