Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 18

I"m not really going into details

played bball
haha, very funny teacher, making us playing against the guys, 
which is impossible to win
well, teacher said like
5 guys to 10 girls
half of the girls' team are consider useless, like me~~
had fun though 

later on some talk by a bunch  of ppl
it delayed the net ball game by an hour or so
right after it was done, 
went over to the field to play the game
why am I in a net ball game again?
oh yea, 'cuase they need a sub for the girls who went to some trip 
don't know where, don't bother either
they gave me the goal keeper job,..
that's like so unfair
haven't they seen the opponent team's goal shooter?
like taller than me~!
and I try to tap her shoots 
but then the ref. said I was too close and to rough,
how far am I suppose to be and gentle too?
one BIG step away

it was ok, I think
2C lost by 16 - 1 against 2A
it's ok~

dance was crazy
lovin' it
hope everyone too feels the same
still working on the steps
but ideas are coming, almost done with the chorus part
high 5~!

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